The oxford dictionary defines violence as, “Using, showing or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill somebody. The same source describes right as morally justified. Required law or duty.”

I dream of a “life free of violence-because I strongly believe it’s morally justified and required by law and duty.”

Now if I tell you more than 15,000 lives have been taken in this conflict facing the country, “Does it send shivers through your spines?”

Then this should, “Gender violence causes more death and disability among the age group of 15-44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or even war.” Do you assume that such gender problems prevail only in developing and poor countries?

According to a report 59 % of the 796 women surveyed in Japan reported that their partners physically abused them. In a national survey conducted in the United States 28% of the sample said they had had at least one episode of physical violence by their partners. I could not find exact statistics for Nepal. However in the last four months ff 2005 the women cell of Kathmandu logged 115 cases of domestic violence.

You should have guessed that the purpose of this writing is to inform you on rampant domestic violence. Also request you to join in this fight against such peril of society.

Domestic violence is not only a legal problem, which can be eliminated by incorporating specific law alone. It is a social and a psychological problem as well. Therefore fundamental changes need to be made in the social system and change in the attitude of people towards women to address the problem.

Various reports have stated that domestic violence is very common in Nepal. However it is rarely discussed and kept within the family. Strong male dominated and feudal socio- economic and cultural structure we live in are some the reason behind this.

The existing problem of poverty, illiteracy, religious superstition, subjugate conservative tradition, social injustice, legal discrimination against women can be other variant for this phenomenon.

Nevertheless I strongly believe the problem of domestic violence can be addressed with right measures.

We should share studies on negative impacts of domestic violence with children. Simple medium like stories, plays, movies etc. can be used. And also justify, why this is morally wrong and legally incorrect.

State bodies and civil societies can support trainings and counseling addressed to change the attitudes of adults who are perpetrators. The media can play a strong role in engineering opinions addressed to encourage a strong societal perspective against domestic violence.

There are various measures to stand against domestic violence from various walks of life.

I would like to appeal every reader to stand against it. It can be in a very small form. Like start from the family, do not tolerate it in the neighborhood and express your view strongly among your friends.

It can be just a drop in an ocean. But be reminded one action, one word or one person can be very powerful. A small action can create a phenomenon in the group behavior to bring changes you never imagined.

– Anup Bhandari